Thursday, June 12, 2014

Beginning Of The End {Of This Time In My Life}

Today is the beginning of the end of the very special time in my life of raising my two boys.  Later this afternoon, my older son will graduate from high school and although I am fully aware that I am not the first parent to experience my current emotions, they are new to me. This summer for him will be full of work with his first job, seeing friends and getting ready for college, and on the last weekend in September, we will move him to college.
September 5, 2001: First Day of Kindergarten
June 11, 2014: Last Day of Instruction 
Nine months ago when he brought home the registration packet for the new school year, it said "Senior Class of 2014" and it struck me that a date that his Kindergarten teacher had said to all of us new parents in 2001 had arrived.  When she told us that they were the class of 2014, the date seemed so far into the future, so remote that thinking about it wasn't an option.  I had a five year old and a three year old to love, teach, feed, chauffeur around and play with.  Where did the time go?

Making the choice to be the person who was around for them all the time while they've been growing up has been the most rewarding period of my life.  My younger son still has two more years of high school to complete so my job is not over yet, but having my older son move out will change things for all of us.  I will be forever thankful to have experienced the last 18 years (and the next two!) with my boys.
June 8, 2014 Baccalaureate Ceremony 
Wish me dry eyes this afternoon!


  1. Good luck, Susan! I can't imagine how you are feeling but I know my time will come in 2 years...I could cry already! He's a handsome graduate.

  2. Congratulations to all of you today!

  3. It definitely is transition time but pride in your son will take you a long ways...

  4. My kids are 9 and 6 and it what you are going through seems like an age away, but in reality I know it will happen in a flash. Congrats to you and your boy! Wishing you dry eyes or a good supply of tissues...

  5. So how did it go? I just got back from my granddaughter's high school commencement in Niceville, Florida. It was very nice. Where will your handsome son be going to college?

  6. I'm so very excited for Oldest Son and your family! Congratulations!

  7. it is an amazing awe inspiring totally freak out moment. Where did the time go? How is it that you have managed to raise a child to this stage when you feel just a child yourself. My 4 have all left the nest now. Two have even graduated from university and moved to the other end of the country or the other side of the world (she came back after 2 years but still....) 2 are still journeying through university and living 10 hours away. It is a mixture of sadness, excitment, relief and awe to watch them grow into successful adults... but they will always be your little kids... somewhere in the recesses of your heart and theirs.... they are still your little ones.
