Showing posts with label tomato plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tomato plants. Show all posts

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Vegetables have taken over my sewing table!

Veggies have taken over my sewing table!

Yes, that is my sewing table.  It used to be the kitchen table, reading the paper table, eating all meals table, opening the mail table, doing your homework table, etc.  But this summer it has been my sewing table. Since we have returned from our vacation this table has been taken over by all the vegetables I have picked from my two (2) tomato plants in my backyard and the six (6) {what was I thinking?} tomato plants at my garden plot.  Oh, and the jalapeƱo pepper, zucchini, summer squash and eggplant. Almost forgot to add the Onions which were not ready for this photo.  

Garden plot you say?  Yes, I have a 20 x 30 garden plot in a local community garden and I love it.  All that you see above came from my plot.  I've had a larger garden in my backyard for years but after adding on a few years back, my available space with full sunlight all day was severely diminished.  I obtained my garden plot three years ago and  learn something new every season about what I like and do not like to grow.  Love all summer vegetables but hate grasshoppers. Winter vegetables like cabbage and cauliflower are a wonder to grow and taste amazing - nothing like what you can get in the store.  

Wondering what I do with all of those tomatoes?  

Freshly canned San Marzano tomatoes

Thirteen quarts canned as of today.  I went to my garden yesterday and picked five plastic grocery bags worth of various kind of tomatoes.  My fingernails are going to be pink for a week!