Wednesday, September 3, 2014

WIP Wednesday: A Pixelated Triton & Landscaping

Today was the start of the school year in the district that I teach in.  With no children attending school in this district anymore it seemed a bit strange but I enjoyed watching all of the neighborhood children setting off for High, Elementary and Middle Schools, in that order.  Of course I wished them all well especially in their History classes.  

First up on my WIP Wednesday List is the Triton Quilt.  This quilt is for my older son who start his Freshman year at UCSD on Saturday, September 27th and I am determined that he will have this quilt on his dorm bed that first evening.  I pixelated a photograph of the UCSD Triton logo and am using that photo as my guide for the squares ~ more on that as the quilt progresses.  
Triton Quilt in progress.  

Concurrently on my WIP Wednesday list is my front yard landscaping.  I've just submitted my landscape plan for the Long Beach Water Department Lawn to Garden Program.  The dead grass and dirt will soon be replaced with beautiful drought tolerant and (mostly) California native plants.  An Olive tree will be the focal point in front of the bench that I love to sit on with a dry riverbed meandering from the right side gate flowing into the Olive tree. 

my neighbors to the right are doing the same program  

ugly parkway will soon be beautiful
concrete steps will soon pop 

After the Triton Quilt is completed and in use at UCSD, I will continue with Roman Holiday (previously called Russian Rubix which I renamed this morning), I'm using a fabric line called Va Bene which has tomatoes, vespas and map of various landmarks of Rome.  

And lastly for today I have a little finish: I don't even have a name for this little cutie made of up Persian Stars made by members of the Modern Blocks Bee I participated in last year.  It's a mix of voile and onsaburg fabrics. 

Parisian Star Quilt
I'm linking up with Lee of Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday today - It is lovely to be back! 
Have a great Wednesday!